Here are a few of the chiropractic techniques that may be used in your customized care plan. Before implementing any of these techniques, I will discuss what I’m doing and why. I won’t “ambush” you 🙂
Dr. Christine has been an ongoing support for me for more than 25 years. She is gifted, empathic and wise, and her high skill level and broad training has helped me with a wide range of problems. ~ E.B.
Chiropractic Techniques
Activator®: The Activator® is a small, handheld adjusting instrument that has been used in chiropractic offices since the 1960s. It has been well researched and documented, and is used to give very specific low-force adjustments to the spine and extremities.
Sacro Occipital Technique: SOT is a low-force technique. It uses a variety of indicators that guide us in the adjustment, which primarily involves the relationship between the sacrum at the bottom of the spine and the occiput at the top. SOT works by specifically positioning the body to use the weight of gravity to make the correction.
Webster: This technique is another way of restoring proper pelvic balance. The Webster technique uses a very specific analysis and is useful for balancing sacroiliac function. While it was developed to manage pelvic misalignment in pregnant women, it can be used on anyone.
Drop/Toggle: Drop work uses a specific type of table to assist the adjustment. There are padded segments of the adjusting table that can be raised to support a specific area of the body. This area will release with a minimum amount of pressure that is applied by the doctor to the area that is to be corrected. The result is a very smooth adjustment that can be successfully applied to children, the elderly and very large or muscular patients. Drop technique can be used on both the spine and extremities.
Extremity Manipulation: At times the extremities may need to be corrected: shoulder, elbow, wrists and hands, hip, knee, ankle and foot. Many of the techniques we use on the spine are adapted for the extremities.
Diversified: Diversified may be the most common technique used in chiropractic offices today. The objective is to restore proper movement and alignment of the spinal joints. These adjustments are hands-on and not with instruments.
Graston: Graston incorporates a patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables us to effectively detect and treat very specific restrictions that affect normal function. It works with tissues that have lost their normal organization and become like scar tissue, limiting range of motion and in many instances causing pain and limitation of function.
Logan: Logan was the first technique that I learned and has undoubtedly influenced all of my work. Logan Basic Technique uses a very technical system of analysis, and is a low-force technique that uses light pressure on the ligaments in the lowest parts of the spine to release the low back, middle back and neck.
Motion Palpation: Motion palpation is an examination procedure that identifies problem areas by testing the mobility of the joints of the spine and extremities by feeling the motion of the involved segments.
Cold Laser Therapy: Cold laser therapy uses specific wavelengths of light to affect the healing process. It can be used on a variety of acute and chronic conditions. It can help with pain and inflammation, reduce spasm, and accelerate healing time.
Additional Techniques and Services
Cranial Work
Deep Soft Tissue Work
Trigger Point Therapy
Pediatric Care
Geriatric Care
Ergonomic and Postural Advice
Orthotics Assessment
Self-care Strategies
Stress Reduction Recommendations
Therapeutic Exercises
Working with you on your wellness journey
to feel at home in your body.
Dr. Christine Bird